Item Id: MD22003

General Assault Badge 50, Large Award Document Grouping Awarded to Art Uffz Albrecht


The grouping consists of five different award documents. All awarded to Artillery Unteroffizier Friedrich Albert who served in 8th Batterie in Artillery regiment 30.


  • General Assault Badge III Class (50). Awarded 15/5 1944 and is hand signed by Oberst / Regimental Commander Mahler. The document has two punched binder holes. Folded to the middle, the fold has almost cut the document in two but it still holds together. The future owner has to be very careful with this document when handling the document in the future to not break it.


  • Iron Cross 1’st class 1939. Awarded 2/4 1943. Hand signed by a Generalleutnant. Two binder holes and lightly folded.


  • Iron Cross 2’Class 1939. Awarded 4/11 1941. Hand signed by a Generalleutnant. The document has two binder holes and shows some creasing and stains.


  • Woundbadge in Black 1939. Awarded 13/11 1942. Hand signed by a Oberstleutnant. Two binder holes and folded.


  • East front medal. Awarded 14/07/1943. Hand signed by a Oberstleutnant.


Scarce and complete document grouping with the very desirable ALG Sturm “50” award document!!

Optionally order a “Certificate of Authenticity”.
The “Certificate of Authenticity” will be shipped separately to your order free of any charge.