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Item Id: JM24020

WWII Japanese Named “Going To War” Banner

3,399.49 kr

The banner measures 53cm x 153cm. The horizontal wooden bar hangs the banner which is 168cm long. The main body of the banner is made of three pieces of silk cloth and there is a 10-centimeter decorative orange-colored fringe attached to the lower end. The horizontal wooden bar has a metal cap with a pink tussel at both ends. In the upper main body, there is a graphic design based on a combination of sun rays, a cherry blossom, and a fan with printed quotes of “Five Holy Precepts” from “The Imperial Precepts to the Soldiers” in 1882. The quotes goes: “It is the duty for a military man to be faithful. The military man must be courteous. The military man must esteem bravery. The military man respect faith. The military man must be humble.”
Below the army star symbol, there is a red kanji meaning “celebration” (祝) and a black kanji “enrollment” (入営.) The four large kanji letter vertically lined from top to bottom is the name of the recruit “Mr. Seizo Narita” (成田盛三君) and smaller four kanji letters are the name of the person who dedicated this banner to the recruit: “Yukio Kashiwabara” (柏原幸生).


A complete, undamaged banner is very rare! This one also is in high-quality and really magnificent!!

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